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Wolfsduister (2008+)

Wolfsduister - De wolf en de meester De wolf en de meester

3" CD 2008 by Svartgalgh Records

1: Donkerval
2: Ontwaak
3: Stilte des doods
4: Bezeten
5: Duivelsgeboorte

Wolfsduister - Magick Rituals VII: The Magick Seal Magick Rituals VII: The Magick Seal

split 3" CD 2008: Wolfsduister / Pyr Exoteron / Dodenrijk by Svartgalgh Records

1: Nachtritueel

Wolfsduister - Schaduw Schaduw

business card CD 2008 by Svartgalgh Records (limited to 22 copies)

1: Schaduw

Wolfsduister - Nachtelijk verbond Nachtelijk Verbond

split CD 2008: Norss / Wolfsduister by Norss Plåten
split TAPE 2008: Norss / Wolfsduister
by Schaduw Records

1: Nachttocht
3: Geesten
5: Troon des Duivels
- performed with Norss
6: Bloedaanbidders
- performed with Norss
7: Kerkhof

Wolfsduister - Het duistere pad Het Duistere Pad

compilation TAPE 2008 by Wulfrune Worxxx
compilation CD 2008
by Smell The Stench

1-5: contains De Wolf en de Meester
6: contains Magick Rituals VII: The Magick Seal
7: contains Schaduw
8: Verbannen

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Wolfsduister - Nachtprofeten Nachtprofeten

split TAPE 2008: Wolfsduister / Norss by Schaduw Records
split CD 2008: Wolfsduister / Norss
by Norss Plåten

2: Angst
3: Nachtprofeten
- performed with Norss

Wolfsduister - Melancholic Apparitions and Macabre Rituals Melancholic Apparitions and Macabre Rituals

split TAPE 2008: Wolfsduister / Entsetzlich by Wolfsvuur / Schaduw Records

1: Intro
2: Kerkhof
3: Angst (Alternative Version)
4: Dodenzang

Wolfsduister - Four Ways of Pain - 4-Way Split Four Ways of Pain - 4 Way Split

split CD 2008: Wolfsduisternis / Kristus Kut / Tergernis / Noisegekanker A Gogo by SUBliminalRECordings
split TAPE 2008
by Smell The Stench

1: Kwelling

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split CD 2008: Status Epilepticus / Wolfsduister by SUBliminalRECordings

2: Paranoia

Erotic Satanic Ritual

3" CD 2008 by SUBliminalRECordings

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Wolfsduister - Offerhoer Offerhoer

split double 3" CD: Kristus Kut / Wolfsduister by Svartgalgh Records

2: Offerhoer


split CD 2008: Wolfsduister / Fever Spoor by Anima Mal Nata

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Wolfsduister - Satanisch Satanisch

compilation double CD 2009 by Symbolic Productions

CDr 1:
1: Satanisch Part I: 6
2: Satanisch Part II: Erotisch satanisch ritueel

CDr 2:
1: Satanisch Part III: Occult I
2: Satanisch Part III: Occult II
3: Kosmische donkere energie (bonus track)

In naam van Lucifer

3" CD 2009 by Black Pyramid Records

1: In naam van Lucifer

Wolfsduister - Altaar Altaar

7" SINGLE 2009 by Droehnhaus
TAPE 2009
by Wolfsvuur Records

1: I
2: II

Wolfsduister - Krocht der verbannen geesten Krocht der verbannen geesten

CD 2009 by Apocalyptic Radio (limited to 50)

1: I
2: II
3: III
4: IV


3" CD 2009 by Witte Dood Records

1: Dodenakker

Zwarte Magie

TAPE 2009 by Wolfsvuur Records

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split 3" CD 2009: Wolfsduister / October by Wolfsvuur Records

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Wolfsduister - The Unity The Unity

split CD 2010: Wolfsduister / Grist by Apocalyptic Radio

1: Drawn towards the Left Hand Path
2: Partial Haunting Resonance

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Evocation - Dark Ambient Compilation

MP3 compilation download 2008 by Amduscias Records

1: Ondood

Wolfsduister - Satanisch Pt. I Satanisch Pt. I

MP3 download 2008 by Okkulth Records

1: 6

Wolfsduister - Satanisch Pt. II Satanisch Pt. II

MP3 download 2008 by Okkulth Records

1: Erotisch satanisch ritueel

Wolfsduister - Zielloze verbintenis Zielloze verbintenis

split DOWNLOAD 2008: Wolfsduister / Norss by Okkulth Records

1: Zwart, stervend, dood

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Wolfsduister - Sadist / Satanist Sadist / Satanist

split DOWNLOAD 2008: Wolfsduister / Duct Tape Sadist by Okkulth Records

6: Sadistisch satanisch

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Toon 2

split DOWNLOAD 2008: Wolfsduister / Zieltogend by Okkulth Records

1: Zwarte leegte (Petukh Remix)

Wolfsduister - Satanisch Pt. III Satanisch Pt. III

DOWNLOAD 2008 by Okkulth Records

1: Occult I
2: Occult II

Wolfsduister - Naghtschimmen Naghtschimmen

split DOWNLOAD 2008: Zieltogend / Wolfsduister by Okkulth Records

2: Nacht

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Okkulth Magick II

compilation DOWNLOAD 2008 by Okkulth Records

1: Magie

Wolfsduister - Eclipse Eclipse

split DOWNLOAD 2009: Hjorten / Norss / Wolfsduister / Inner Silence by Amduscias Record

3: Phase 3

Wolfsduister - Exquisite Corpse Exquisite Corpse

split CD 2009: Wolfsduister / Grist

1: untitled - performed with Grist

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TAPE 2011 by Apocalyptic Radio (limited to 14 copies)

1: Zwarte mist
2: Geesterschijning
3: Symfonie van het donker
4: Exorcisme
5: Dwaal in duisternis (Remix)

Wolfsduister - Het duistere pad II Het duistere pad II

TAPE by Serpent's Eye Records (limited to 66 copies)

1: I
2: II
3: III
4: IV
5: Dodenakker
6: Ondood
7: Regen van bloed
8: Nacht

Review: I am not keen on reviewing ‘dark ambient’ music because, more often than not, it is not my niche, but nevertheless I will give it a small shot. Het duistere pad II (‘the dark path 2’) offers eight tracks of traditional echoing ritual-like darkness, with elaborate electronic soundscapes of droning noise, slow stretched keyboard tones, indistinct distant effect-rich sounds and/or vocals, breezy hints of rhythmic patterns, washed away melodies, which probably work well as a horror-scape to any abandoned asylum on a midnight visit. The tape consists of four unnamed songs and four with Dutch titles. Even though I only touch the surface of this genre once in a while in day to day life, this stuff is quite enjoyable in the right mood, but I will refrain from analysing this too deep.

Source: NLBMe exclusive, March 2018.

Wolfsduister - Het duistere pad III Het duistere pad III

TAPE by Serpent's Eye Records (limited to 66 copies)

1: Paranoia
2: Sadistisch satanisch
3: Phase 3
4: Zwart, stervend, dood (Norss Remix)

Review: I am reviewing this back to back with part II and am immediately struck by a feeling of deja-vu. I have never heard the large bulk of this band’s output, but I am not yet aware of patterns and thematics that are channeled through the music. I do hear darkness, and the stuff is without doubt a great conductor of spirituality - either in ritual or in discovery (or in emotions) - as a soundscape in a particular (dark) setting. Comparing this to part II, there is less melody and more static present - not yet at the level of noise, but like noise played in an adjacent room, trickling in through the cracks in the plaster or creeping underneath the slot under a closed door, like a disturbing mist. There is a remix on this tape, made by Norss, and I wonder: how does one remix this kind of music (and how does it sound different from the source)? Perhaps I should be looking out for the original track!

Source: NLBMe exclusive, March 2018.